Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ethnicity Conversion Azeri Style

"Ethnicity Conversion"

Ethnicity conversion is a scheme by Azeris to be able call themselves "Persians" so they can acquire the whole history and cultural heritage of Persians for free. This will enable Azeri Turks to become a ruling tribe. Azeri Turks have captured state power in Iran many times but lack of Persian identity have always led to their downfall. Azeris want to solve this problem once and forever.

Ethnic Conversion Azeri Style:
"I think the ethnic issue should be solved once and for all,and how you do it is by introducing a law that lets people convert into a persian ethnicity if they want to,just like how America converted it's european german,Irsih,scottish,french etc etc immigrants into an American identity. Now the converting part will be even easier for Iran,becouse most Iranian tribes and groups are pretty much the same in culture,language,history,behaviour,tradition, and even the Iranian Qashqais and Azeris don't even consider themself turkish anymore,becouse it is pretty obvious that they were turkified, even a moron could see that they don't look like turks, which turks are an asian race, and most of Iranian Qashqais and Azeris have a persian/Iranic culture,mentality,and behaviour.The only small minorities that would be hard to assimilate would be some kurds,baluchs,and arabs. this is why I believe they should be givin very small lands."

Persian as a cultural identity:
Azeri Turks claim there are no Persian ethnicity in Iran and to be Persian is only a question of language and culture. They point to the fact some Persians look different from other Persians. They go even further and call everybody in Iran for Persian. The only difference is between "South Persians" and "North Persians". The ones in south have darker skin and the ones in north have lighter skin due to hot climate as Azeris claim. Azeris claim they are "Northern Persians". Azeris claim that Azeri Turks are converted into "Persian Ethnicity" by transfering "Persian Culture" to Azeris. .

Religion as Ethnic Identity:

Azeri Turks want to use religion as a tool for ethnicity conversion. Azeris have started to claim religions who were exclusively the religions of the natives of Iran. Azeris claim to be "Zoarastrian", "Jew", and "Bahai".

Azeris claim that "Zoarastrian Azeri" is a "Persian Azeri". This way Azeris have "changed" their ethnicity

"Azeri Bahais, Azeri Jews and Azeri Zoarastrians" should be regarded as three new businesses opened recently by Azeris for further fraud.

In Europe to be German, British or French requires a lot. Even after 100's of years you do not qualify to be called a real European. Azeri Turks expect to be handed over the whole Persian Culture and history Heritage for free. "We are all Iranians" which they are screaming all over internet means "We are all Persians".

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